OTHERSIDE Lyrics - Beyoncé

[Verse 1: Beyoncé]
If the storm comes
If we burn up
If the wells run dry
You're my reason
To believe in
Another life

[Chorus: Beyoncé]
If it all ends
And it's over
If the sky falls fire
Best believe me
You will see me
On the other side
[Verse 2: Beyoncé]
If we wake up
Lose our patience
Or even lose our lives, oh
I'll feel lucky
To say that you've been
A friend of mine

[Chorus: Beyoncé]
Best believe me
You will see me
On the other side

[Outro: Bankulli & Beyoncé]
Sọ kalẹ̀
Sọ kalẹ̀
Sọ kalẹ̀ wá
Wá o wá o
Wá Wọnú Ọkàn mi Lọ Olúwa
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Sọ kalẹ̀)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Olúwa)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Sọ kalẹ̀)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Olúwa)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Sọ kalẹ̀)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Olúwa)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Sọ kalẹ̀)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Oluwa)
Mababu Katika Mawingu (Sọ kalẹ̀)
Mababu Katika Mawingu

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OTHERSIDE lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "OTHERSIDE"?
"OTHERSIDE" is sung by "Beyoncé".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "OTHERSIDE" song?
"Dave Rosser, Beyoncé, Syd, Nicky Davey & Bankulli" has written the lyrics for the song "OTHERSIDE".
ℚ.When was the song "OTHERSIDE" released?
"OTHERSIDE" song release on "19 July 2019".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "OTHERSIDE"?
"OTHERSIDE" song lyrics was modified on "19 Nov 2022".



Album The Lion King: The Gift


Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 442982
Release Date: 19 July 2019

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