Kaleidoscope Lyrics - Chappell Roan

[Verse 1]
Here we go again
Everything is fine
I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line
But ever since that day
Everything has changed
The way I write your name
A cursive letter A
Whatever it may be
That you go on your way?
If you really wanna leave
I'll never make you stay

Whatever you decide
I will understand
And it will all be fine
And just go back to being friends

And love is a kaleidoscope
How it works, I'll never know
And even all the change
It's somehow all the same
Turn it to the left and right
Colors shinin' in your eye
And even upside down
It's beautiful somehow
It's never just a shape alone
Love is a kaleidoscope
[Verse 2]
And if you ever find
Someone who could write
A better song for you
Well, I'd love to see them try
Put it all in words
And sing it all in tune
There's no one else who could
The only one is you

And if you change your mind
I will understand
And it'll just take time
To go back to being friends

And love is a kaleidoscope
How it works, I'll never know
And even all the change
It's somehow all the same
Turn it to the left and right
Colors shinin' in your eye
And even upside down
It's beautiful somehow
Every color of the rainbow
Don't be afraid to hold it close
It's never just a shape alone
Love is a kaleidoscope

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Kaleidoscope lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Kaleidoscope"?
"Kaleidoscope" is sung by "Chappell Roan".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Kaleidoscope" song?
" Chappell Roan" has written the lyrics for the song "Kaleidoscope".
ℚ.When was the song "Kaleidoscope" released?
"Kaleidoscope" song release on "09 May 2024, 22:34".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Kaleidoscope"?
"Kaleidoscope" song lyrics was modified on "25 Dec 2023".

About Kaleidoscope


Album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess

Chappell Roan

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 3204640
Release Date: 09 May 2024, 22:34