Picture You Lyrics - Chappell Roan

[Verse 1]
Draw the blinds
Light every candle
Slip off my pretty dress down my chest
While I think of you
Every night
Both lips on the mirror
It's ritualistic
Counting lipstick stains where you should be

Oh, I need you around
I'm getting close now

Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?
Do you feel the same? I'm too scared to say
Half of the things I do when I picture you

[Verse 2]
So, tell me now (Tell me now)
All your perversions (Oh, oh)
Am I doing research in a mini skirt (Am I?)
At the library in your hometown?
Oh, I need you around
I'm getting close now

Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?
Do you feel the same? I'm too scared to say
Half of the things I do when I picture you

When I picture you
Aah, aah
Aah, aah

Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?
Do you feel the same? I'm too scared to say
Half of the things I do when I picture you

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Picture You lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Picture You"?
"Picture You" is sung by "Chappell Roan".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Picture You" song?
" Chappell Roan" has written the lyrics for the song "Picture You".
ℚ.When was the song "Picture You" released?
"Picture You" song release on "01 Aug 2024, 02:39".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Picture You"?
"Picture You" song lyrics was modified on "25 Dec 2023".

About Picture You

Picture You

Album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess

Chappell Roan

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 5472635
Release Date: 01 Aug 2024, 02:39