Big Shot Lyrics - Fontaines D.C.

[Verse 1]
You've been through the war
But you've nothing to show
I traveled to space
Found the moon too small
And home is a pin
Rusting through a map
I go there to pray
Do my resting at mass

Everybody gets a big shot, baby
Everybody gets a big shot lately
Everybody gets a big shot, baby

[Verse 2]
You choose to show when you know
No one's watching how you spread
Empty scum, forget their name
Nothing scratches off your blame

I've been leaving it all
I've been living it all
I've been leaving it all
I've been living it all
I've been leaving it all
I've been living it all
I've been leaving it all
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Fontaines D.C.
Everybody gets a big shot, baby
Everybody gets a big shot latеly
Everybody gets
Everybody gеts

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Big Shot lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Big Shot"?
"Big Shot" is sung by "Fontaines D.C.".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Big Shot" song?
"Carlos O’Connell" has written the lyrics for the song "Big Shot".
ℚ.When was the song "Big Shot" released?
"Big Shot" song release on "22 April 2022".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Big Shot"?
"Big Shot" song lyrics was modified on "19 Aug 2024".

About Big Shot

Big Shot

Album Skinty Fia go deo

Fontaines D.C.

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 703391
Release Date: 22 April 2022

Lyrics of Fontaines D.C. - Big Shot (Official Lyric Video)