Coolest fucking bitch in town Lyrics - Haley Blais

[Verse 1]
Crying in the backseat of your parent's car
You said that you don’t have a curfew anymore
23 and trying to keep your life from going sour
And your mother's getting married in fall
And you know that she is happy
That things will be okay
But you wonder what'll happen Christmas Day
And I don’t know what to tell you
To make you not feel sad
So I offer my condolences to dad

[Verse 2]
Am I just a hypocrite
Or is there something wrong with it
I want my therapist to think I'm cool
I call you from the office phone to ask you to come drive me home
Okay I'm just a liar I never went

But if you see me out
Know I'm the coolest fucking bitch in town
You want to drink a drink that's watered down
It'll just take you longer

{Verse No. 3}
Can I be responsible for things that I did years ago
I guess it could be good for just a laugh
Is it just a privileged thought
I ask you once but I forgot
I'm not the only one that's split in half
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But if you see me out
Know I’m the coolest fucking bitch in town
You want to drink a drink that’s watered down
It'll just take you longer

Coolest fucking bitch in town
Coolest fucking bitch in town
Coolest fucking bitch in town
Coolest fucking bitch in town

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Coolest fucking bitch in town lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Coolest fucking bitch in town"?
"Coolest fucking bitch in town" is sung by "Haley Blais".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Coolest fucking bitch in town" song?
"Haley Blais" has written the lyrics for the song "Coolest fucking bitch in town".
ℚ.When was the song "Coolest fucking bitch in town" released?
"Coolest fucking bitch in town" song release on "07 March 2022".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Coolest fucking bitch in town"?
"Coolest fucking bitch in town" song lyrics was modified on "07 Sep 2024".

About Coolest fucking bitch in town

Coolest fucking bitch in town

Album Wisecrack

Haley Blais

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 261907
Release Date: 07 March 2022

Lyrics of Haley Blais - Coolest f*cking b*tch in town (Official Video)