Life's What You Make It Lyrics - Hannah Montana

Put your hands together everybody!

{Verse No. 1}
Don't let no small frustration ever bring you down
No, no, no, no
Just take a situation and turn it all around

[Pre-Chorus 1]
With a new attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Staying mad, why do that?
Give yourself a break
Laugh about it and you'll see
[Chorus 1]
Life's what you make it
So let's make it rock (Make it rock!)
Life's what you make it
So c'mon (C’mon!), c'mon, everybody now!

We can do better than that!
Aw yeah!
Don't stop!

{Verse No. 2}
Why be sad, brokenhearted?
There's so much to do
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Life is hard or it's a party (It’s a party!)
The choice is up to you

[Pre-Chorus 2]
With a new attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Staying sad, why do that?
Give yourself a break
I know you wanna party with me

[Chorus 2]
Life's what you make it
So let's make it rock
Life's what you make it
So c'mon (C'mon!), c'mon, everybody now!
Let's celebrate it
Join in everyone
You decide (You decide) 'cause life's ('Cause life's) what you make it

Aw yeah!
Things are looking up anytime you want
All you gotta do is realize that
It's under your control
So let the good times rock 'n roll

[Instrumental Break]

C’mon everybody!
Do it now
Let’s get the party started!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, now that's a party!
Yeah, yeah, put your hands together!

[Chorus 2]
Life's what you make it
So let's make it rock (Let’s make it rock!)
Life's what you make it
So c'mon (C'mon!), c'mon, everybody now!
Let's celebrate it
Join in everyone
You decide (You decide) 'cause life's ('Cause life's) what you make it

Aw yeah!
Life's what you make it!

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Life's What You Make It"?
"Life's What You Make It" is sung by "Hannah Montana".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Life's What You Make It" song?
"Robbie Nevil & Matthew Gerrard" has written the lyrics for the song "Life's What You Make It".
ℚ.When was the song "Life's What You Make It" released?
"Life's What You Make It" song release on "04 April 2020".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Life's What You Make It"?
"Life's What You Make It" song lyrics was modified on "19 Oct 2022".

About Life's What You Make It

Life's What You Make It

Album Hannah Montana 2

Hannah Montana

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 233447
Release Date: 04 April 2020

Lyrics of Hannah Montana Life's what you make it official