Better World Lyrics - Haze Moon

Stop crying
Now, It’s too late
There’s nothing left behind
Hope is fading away
No one cares for us anymore
Our memories are gone
Everyone has lost their own way
Our pure hearts of gold
And Happiness gets further away
Hope the future is full of love
Better than our dreams could do
Even higher than we let them be,
Wider than we all can see
We are dreaming of better lives
Yet, We are killing each day by day
Don’t tell the kids too much
Cause we’re not too proud of what we’ve done
Where are we taking us?
We don't want to end up in the plastic world
The place where we belong
It all depends on what we take
Hope the future is full of love
Better than our dreams could do
Rising higher than we let them be,
Wider than we all can see
Hope the future overflow with love
Better than our dreams could do
Much more higher than we let them be,
Wider than we all can see

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Better World lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Better World"?
"Better World" is sung by "Haze Moon".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Better World" song?
" Haze Moon" has written the lyrics for the song "Better World".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Better World"?
"Better World" song lyrics was modified on "09 Jun 2024".

About Better World

Better World

Album Better World

Haze Moon

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 43
Lyrics Updated at: 09 Jun 2024

Lyrics of Better World