Caught Out There Lyrics - Kelis

Yo, this song, yo
This song is for all the women out there
That have been lied to by their men
And I know y'all been lied to over and over again
This is for y'all, yo, maybe you didn't break
The way you should've broke, yo
But I break, you know I'm sayin'?
So this is how it goes yo
Psst... damn
{Verse No. 1}
Last year, Valentine's Day, you would just warmly say
"Babe I love you, love you, babe I swear" (Yo, he's lying)
Held you when you were sick, even...
The whole time I'd think to myself, this isn't fair

What is this I see? You don't come home to me (No! Oh no!)
When you don't come home to me, can't deal, can't bear (Man)
You keep tellin' me lies, but to your surprise
Look, I found her red coat and you're (Bitch!) caught out there

I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!
I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!

{Verse No. 2}
So sick of your games, I'll set your truck to flames
And watch it blow up, blow up - tell me, how you gonna see her now?
So far from sincere, fabrications in my ear (I love you)
Drive me so far up the wall, I come slidin' down

What is this I see? You don't come home to me (I don't believe this!)
When you don't come home to me, I can't deal, can't bear (I won't)
You keep tellin' me lies, but to your surprise
Look, I hope you're happy since you're caught out there

Yeah, you've been caught
Yo, come on
Come on

I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!
I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!

{Verse No. 3}
She's so raunchy, so vulgar; not me, why the hell her?
Look, she dresses a mess, what do you see? (Look at her! I don't know)
It's not all about cash, nor how much you flash (Hell no)
How I dress is a reflection of me

What is this I see? You don't come home to me (Uh-uh)
When you don't come home to me, can't deal, can't bear (Told you I won't)
You keep tellin' me lies, but to your surprise
Look I got something for y'all since you're caught out there

I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!
I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!
I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!
I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I hate you so much right now!

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Caught Out There"?
"Caught Out There" is sung by "Kelis".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Caught Out There" song?
"Chad Hugo & Pharrell Williams" has written the lyrics for the song "Caught Out There".
ℚ.When was the song "Caught Out There" released?
"Caught Out There" song release on "20 September 1999".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Caught Out There"?
"Caught Out There" song lyrics was modified on "05 Oct 2022".

About Caught Out There

Caught Out There

Album Kaleidoscope


Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 543237
Release Date: 20 September 1999

Lyrics of Kelis - Caught Out There