Get Along with You Lyrics - Kelis

{Verse No. 1}
Don't need no paper, don't need no pencils
Don't need no love letters, 'cause I just wanna get along with you
No beeper, don't need no cellular
Though digital's better, listen, I just wanna get along with you

Try me, 'cause I'd be
The one that makes you happy, but the part that I don't get is
Why me? You deny me
Now I'm forced to roam this planet sadly, lonely like some loose baguette
You took my heartbeat from me, this is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love?
You took my heartbeat from me, was it I loved you poorly?
Whatever it was, I just wanna get along with you

{Verse No. 2}
Don't need no car, don't need no truck
Don't need no vehicles, 'cause I just wanna get along with you
No planes, don't need no trains
Don't need to be passenger, 'cause I just wanna get along with you

Try me, 'cause I'd be
The one that makes you happy, but the part that I don't get is
Why me? You deny me
Now I'm forced to roam this planet sadly, lonely like some loose baguette

You took my heartbeat from me, this is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love?
You took my heartbeat from me, was it I loved you poorly?
Whatever it was, I just wanna get along with you

{Verse No. 3}
Don't need these clothes, don't need this house
Don't need this land or skies, 'cause I just wanna get along with you
These eyes, don't need these thighs
As a matter of fact, this damn life, 'cause I just wanna get along with you

Try me, 'cause I'd be
The one that makes you happy
But the part that I don't get is
Why me? You deny me
Now I'm forced to roam this planet sadly, lonely like some loose baguette

You took my heartbeat from me, this is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love?
You took my heartbeat from me, should have just stabbed it for me
From ashes to dust, I just wanna get along with you

Dear diary
I remember like it was yesterday
It was October 30th
I no longer have any need for these worldly things
I wanna go where he is
I'll follow the fire in the sky
And like that, I'll be gone

You took my heartbeat from me, this is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love?
You took my heartbeat from me, should have just stabbed it for me
From ashes to dust, I just wanna get along with you

You took my heartbeat from me, this is the saddest story
You took my heartbeat from me, should have just stabbed it for me

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Get Along with You"?
"Get Along with You" is sung by "Kelis".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Get Along with You" song?
"Chad Hugo & Pharrell Williams" has written the lyrics for the song "Get Along with You".
ℚ.When was the song "Get Along with You" released?
"Get Along with You" song release on "07 December 1999".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Get Along with You"?
"Get Along with You" song lyrics was modified on "23 Nov 2022".

About Get Along with You

Get Along with You

Album Kaleidoscope


Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 231971
Release Date: 07 December 1999

Lyrics of Kelis - Get Along With You