Watermelon Moonshine Lyrics - Lainey Wilson

{Verse No. 1}
It was right after senior year
Just before the summer disappeared
We went a-ridin' them old farm ruts
Hangin' out on the gate of his truck
We threw a blanket 'neath the sunset
Bein' brave as eighteen gets
We gave each other more than our hearts
With the help of a mason jar

Drinkin' watermelon moonshine
Cut the burn with a little lime
Parkin' back in them kudzu vines
I was his and every bit of that boy was minе
Too young to know what love was
But we werе learnin' on a sweet buzz
There's never nothin' like the first time
And mine's always gonna taste like
Watermelon moonshine
{Verse No. 2}
I don't remember where we got it from
I just remember feelin' all grown up
Takin' pulls like it ain't no thing
Never told him it was my first drink
But I told him that he was the one
You're so sure when you're that young
You think you got it all figured out
And now I laugh when I think about

Drinkin' watermelon moonshine
Cut the burn with a little lime
Parkin' back in them kudzu vines
I was his and every bit of that boy was mine
Too young to know what love was
But we were learnin' on a sweet buzz
There's never nothin' like the first time
And mine's always gonna taste like
Watermelon moonshine

I thought that high would last forever
But that ain't what it does
Maybe we were drunk in love
Or maybe we were just

Drinkin' watermelon moonshine
Cut the burn with a little lime
Parkin' back in them kudzu vines
I was his and every bit of that boy was mine
Too young to know what love was
But we were learnin' on a sweet buzz
There's never nothin' like the first time
And mine's always gonna taste like
Watermelon moonshine
Watermelon moonshine

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Watermelon Moonshine lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Watermelon Moonshine"?
"Watermelon Moonshine" is sung by "Lainey Wilson".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Watermelon Moonshine" song?
"Lainey Wilson, Josh Kear & Jordan Schmidt" has written the lyrics for the song "Watermelon Moonshine".
ℚ.When was the song "Watermelon Moonshine" released?
"Watermelon Moonshine" song release on "12 August 2022".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Watermelon Moonshine"?
"Watermelon Moonshine" song lyrics was modified on "14 Nov 2022".

About Watermelon Moonshine

Watermelon Moonshine

Album Bell Bottom Country

Lainey Wilson

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 346133
Release Date: 12 August 2022

Lyrics of Lainey Wilson - Watermelon Moonshine (Music Video)