I Can't Feel Lyrics - Matthew Dear

Days don′t rhyme
With all my friends
Hard to believe
That we have friends
Mind over lust
Time to unfold
Clearly we can see you
Under your clothes
Look at them run
In a beasthood race
Child's awake
Child′s awake
Tangled herds
And the dust will fly
And the dust will fly
Miles away
All of our battle dance
Can equate as a dance
Obvious battle dance
Take a bow
Take a chance

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "I Can't Feel"?
"I Can't Feel" is sung by "Matthew Dear".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "I Can't Feel" song?
" Matthew Dear" has written the lyrics for the song "I Can't Feel".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "I Can't Feel"?
"I Can't Feel" song lyrics was modified on "12 Feb 2024".