Little People (Black City) Lyrics - Matthew Dear

That was the message left outside
She only left it there to hide
I can′t equate this all to night
A frozen wasted heart has died
What has he done, lost the right one
For the feeling, oh the reeling
Because I was born into it, I have never lost my fluid
Some have passed and some have risen
I am wrapped in gold gift ribbons
Love me like a clown
Days in go round the black city
Looking for love black city
Days don't go right black city
It′s all around Black City
It's a funny situation, I do fall away
I do fall away, I do fall away
Talk is complication, you get carried away
You get carried away, I get carried away
Moving conversation
Throw your other hand
Throw your other hand
Throw your other hand
Too much communication, I'm another man
I′m another man
I′m your other man

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Little People (Black City)"?
"Little People (Black City)" is sung by "Matthew Dear".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Little People (Black City)" song?
" Matthew Dear" has written the lyrics for the song "Little People (Black City)".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Little People (Black City)"?
"Little People (Black City)" song lyrics was modified on "12 Feb 2024".

About Little People (Black City)

Little People (Black City)

Album Black City

Matthew Dear

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 177522
Lyrics Updated at: 12 Feb 2024