More Surgery Lyrics - Matthew Dear

I′m a gross machine
When I feel a plane
I'm in love with ghosts
When I feel alone
These tired old eyes
Can masquerade
It′s a gross mistake
I'm a toothless man
This local sedative
Makes total body slow
Alter genetics
To make my body glow
I'm not too critical
That′s just the way to grow
I need more surgery
There′s so much more to know

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "More Surgery"?
"More Surgery" is sung by "Matthew Dear".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "More Surgery" song?
" Matthew Dear" has written the lyrics for the song "More Surgery".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "More Surgery"?
"More Surgery" song lyrics was modified on "12 Feb 2024".