Holy Smoke Lyrics - Nicki Wells

Take me down the River Wye
Feel the cold beneath my hand
Where there’s nothing more to say
Or even understand
Is it daylight is it night?
Fading laughter in the fields
Breathing in the misty light
As the body yields
Time to face the angel’s grace
Feel the light upon your face
Who would even have known how
Beautiful you are right now?
Now I stand before the oak
What a sweetness in the breeze
Something in the holy smoke
As I fall to my knees
Time to face the angel’s grace
Feel the light upon your face
Who would even have known how
Beautiful you are right now?
Please don’t go away
Time to face the angel’s grace
Feel the light upon your face
Who would even have known how
Beautiful you are right now?

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Holy Smoke lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Holy Smoke"?
"Holy Smoke" is sung by "Nicki Wells".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Holy Smoke" song?
" Nicki Wells" has written the lyrics for the song "Holy Smoke".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Holy Smoke"?
"Holy Smoke" song lyrics was modified on "22 Feb 2024".

About Holy Smoke

Holy Smoke

Album N/A

Nicki Wells

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners:
Lyrics Updated at: 22 Feb 2024

Lyrics of Nicki Wells - Holy Smoke (Official Music Video)