Choke Lyrics - OneRepublic

{Verse No. 1}
Well I see breakfast on the table
And I can smell you in the halls
Lord knows I’d cry if I was able
But that won’t get me through tomorrow
And no it’s not like I was counting
Or thought that we’d run out of days
So I’ll be holding onto something
Breathing the air you took away

I, I’ll keep a picture of you on the wall, of you on the wall
And choke on the memories
I’ll keep a message of you if you call, of you if you call
And choke on the memories
Choke, choke, yeah
Choke, choke
{Verse No. 2}
Well I’ve been looking for some new words
To say just how you got to me
I wrote some letters that I might burn
Cause then you’re not just history
And I see your clothes in the closet
I hear your phone ring in the drawer
I’m not hoping for an answer
I’m just knocking at your door, oh

I keep a picture of you on the wall, of you on the wall
And choke on the memories
I’ll keep a message of you if you call, of you if you call
Choke, choke, yeah
Choke, choke, yeah
I’ll keep a picture of you on the wall, of you on the wall
And choke on the memories
I’ll keep the message of you if you call, of you if you call
Choke, choke, yeah
Choke, choke, yeah

Well I see breakfast on the table
And I can smell you in the halls

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Choke lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Choke"?
"Choke" is sung by "OneRepublic".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Choke" song?
"Ryan Tedder & Noel Zancanella" has written the lyrics for the song "Choke".
ℚ.When was the song "Choke" released?
"Choke" song release on "07 October 2016".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Choke"?
"Choke" song lyrics was modified on "12 Nov 2022".

About Choke


Album Oh My My (Deluxe)


Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 170010
Release Date: 07 October 2016

Lyrics of Choke