Sleep Lyrics - OneRepublic

{Verse No. 1}
Talk to myself again, all alone, on my own
Walk by the scene again, just to see what people see
Caught in your stubborn hold, and I'm so far from home

So turn the lights on, turn the lights on
Turn the lights on for me
Keep the lights on, keep the lights on
Keep the lights on for me
Don't go to sleep
{Verse No. 2}
Lost in your thoughts again, consciously you think of me
Focus your perfect words with a pen you write me in
I can't be reached, so far from here, I need you near

So turn the lights on, turn the lights on
Turn the lights on for me
Keep the lights on, keep the lights on
Keep the lights on for me
Don't go to sleep

Don't go to sleep
I wait for you, I stay for you

So turn the lights on, turn the lights on
Turn the lights on for me
Keep the lights on, keep the lights on
Keep the lights on for me
Don't go to sleep

Don't go to sleep
I wait for you, I stay for you

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Sleep lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Sleep"?
"Sleep" is sung by "OneRepublic".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Sleep" song?
"Brent Kutzle & Ryan Tedder" has written the lyrics for the song "Sleep".
ℚ.When was the song "Sleep" released?
"Sleep" song release on "20 November 2007".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Sleep"?
"Sleep" song lyrics was modified on "27 Oct 2022".

About Sleep


Album OneRepublic


Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 154880
Release Date: 20 November 2007

Lyrics of Sleep