Run Lyrics - Sandie Shaw

As the winds blows through the trees,
it sometimes seems to whisper, he is callin' me,
then when the rain falls upon the ground,
I often think that it’s him following me.
I don’t stop to see if he’s behind me,
I just keep on goin’, he must never find me.
He thinks I still belong to him,
so I must run, I said so I must run.
The sun is sinking from the sky,
I see a shadow and I think it must be him.
Sometimes if there’s someone with their back towards me,
I think it could just be him.
If the telephone rings, I don’t pick it up,
if someone knocks at the door, it remains shut.
What would he do if he found me?
So I must run, I said so I must run.
As the winds blows through the trees,
it sometimes seems to whisper, he is callin' me,
then when the rain falls upon the ground,
I often think that it’s him following me.
I don’t stop to see if he’s behind me,
I just keep on going, he must never find me.
He thinks I still belong to him,
so I must run, I said so I must run.

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Run"?
"Run" is sung by "Sandie Shaw".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Run" song?
" Sandie Shaw" has written the lyrics for the song "Run".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Run"?
"Run" song lyrics was modified on "15 May 2024".

About Run


Album The Very Best Of Sandie Shaw

Sandie Shaw

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 4947
Lyrics Updated at: 15 May 2024

Lyrics of Run