Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP) Lyrics - Silas Simmons

Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP) lyrics

Verse1: Zechariah 6, speaks of an amazing gift that, God gave to his people, by his life he removed death and our evil, ayy. In ourselves man we deceitful, have no strength man you know that we are weak and feeble, our sins bound by the law was illegal, the price that it took to pay our debt was lethal. Christ looked down in compassion, and by his mercy saw our evil and wretched fashion, we were headed for the fiery ashеs, and yet to us sinners he still fеlt attraction? Yes you see what his passion was, to obey his father's will in an amazing act of love, came down and took on a body, yet every step of the way he walked was godly. Lived his life oddly to most, the life he gave up was perfect no need to boast, or gloat in our own righteousness, cuz in your own pridefulness guess what there’s lifelessness, but by his birth we celebrate life and it's the plight that we had tried and fought to fight and win, but as he stood before pilate was scourged than crucified now guess what fam God and his lights within, but let me ask how did we get here, better yet let me ask how could GOD get near, to an evil generation, who didn't even have a clue of what in the world was regeneration? Don’t even know where to begin, but we know God's in control from the start to the end. So let's continue with this, before salvation couldn't hear had a messed up ear utriculitis

Verse 2: So what exactly is the meaning of christmas? Is it about just filling up some random wishlist? With a bunch of gifts given as predicted? man How we have so far drifted, away from the the meaning to begin with, 2nd person of the trinity he came and was fitted, into a mear body that had been limited, all that remained exhibited was regular mans image god's glory had then been hidden, humility at an all time high had been admitted, now what exactly are we talking bout? They were looking for a king who would come walking out, tossing out endless earthly riches, giving them something they could turn to digits. Thought that he would be born in a palace, wouldn't work with his hands and have his hands become callused. Looks like this wasn't the case, he didn't come so that everyone could see his face, held up high on a throne receiving worldly praise, he had his own divine throne. To all men his life goes, the breath is of him got news bro your life’s owned. We know this of a truth no maybe, held every galaxy together even though he was a baby? Yes, and I as wrap this up, if you didn’t understand this the first time than back it up, Jesus born in a manger, the world he created and yet was still a stranger, uh. Kindled wrath of God was angered, till jesus came down and to the cross was anchored, faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Believers have been made right in him, sweet hour of prayer were gonna take our flight with him, and it's been written since we died with him, there’s no other choice but that we also rise with him, yea

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)"?
"Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)" is sung by "Silas Simmons".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)" song?
" Silas Simmons" has written the lyrics for the song "Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)".
ℚ.When was the song "Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)" released?
"Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)" song release on "25 December 2022".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)"?
"Prince of Peace (A Christmas EP)" song lyrics was modified on "22 Apr 2023".