Black And White World Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

Some persecute their brothers because of
The color of their skin, oh yeah
Well, that's wrong
We know it all too well
But I guess it doesn't matter to some
Get it through your head
It's a black and white world
But you're really know different from me
Get it through your head
It's a black and white world
But you're really no different from...
Some walk around, never knowing
They only listen to what they've been told
They walk around blind for years
'Cause they're only seeing
What they've been shown, yeah
Well, colors are deceiving
But if you open your mind
To see whats right
Wipe the anger from your eyes
And take a look you'll find

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Black And White World"?
"Black And White World" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Black And White World" song?
" The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "Black And White World".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Black And White World"?
"Black And White World" song lyrics was modified on "29 Nov 2023".

About Black And White World

Black And White World

Album Battle Hymns

The Suicide Machines

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 14564
Lyrics Updated at: 29 Nov 2023

Lyrics of Black And White World