DDT Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

Destroy the world without a thought
Destroy our lives with your bug bombs
In our food and in our blood
Chemical death to the corporate slut
Pollute the Earth with pesticides like DDT
Money, power, profit
Gain is all you can see
Everyone pays when we take that route
Dirty water, overcrowded
It's time to take a time out
Keep your head
Use your voice
Speak your mind
You've got a choice
If no one cares
Then nothing gets done
If no one speaks
What's done is done
Pollute the Earth with pesticides like DDT
Money, power, profit
Gain is all you can see
Everyone pays when we take that route
Dirty water, overcrowded
It's time to take a time out
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
Destroy our world!
We destroy our world!

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "DDT"?
"DDT" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "DDT" song?
" The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "DDT".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "DDT"?
"DDT" song lyrics was modified on "29 Nov 2023".

About DDT


Album Battle Hymns

The Suicide Machines

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 33984
Lyrics Updated at: 29 Nov 2023

Lyrics of DDT