Give Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

I've got a million things going around in my head
And i never really paid attention to what you said no
And now i wish that i would have said goodbye
But its much too late, and all i do is give and all you do is take

You've gotta look before you leap
And take a good look at your so-called friends
Yeah, thats the company you keep
You've got words coming at you from all directions
You gotta look before you leap
And take a good look at your so-called friends
Yeah, thats the company you keep - they got the words, oh yeah

There's a lot of things that were never said
And if we'd grown up faster then i would have stood up
But-i should have cut you loose a long time ago
But its much too late
And all i do is give and all you do is take


Well, there never was a time when you didn't try to lord me over
Never was there a time when i felt bad for you
Whenever you had the chance, the way i see it
You tried to screw me over
Never was there a time when i wasn't there for you


They keep flying their flags
But they're never gonna understand

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Give"?
"Give" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Give" song?
"The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "Give".
ℚ.When was the song "Give" released?
"Give" song release on "07 April 1998".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Give"?
"Give" song lyrics was modified on "25 Nov 2022".