Numbers Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

Typewriters bang
Everyday it is the same fact is
These people are going insane
They got sad eyes, no reply
They've been doing this shit all day
And they don't know why
They don't know the way
That's probably why they're going insane
They can't think with all those fuckin'
There's too much on the line for numbers
There's too much emphasis on numbers
There's too much on the line for numbers
There's too much emphasis on
Machine goes ping, telephone rings
Yeah all his life
He's been doing the same thing
Got sad eyes, no reply
I've been doing this shit all day
And I don't know why
They don't know the way
That's probably why they're going insane
They can't think with all those fuckin'
There's too much on the line for numbers
There's too much emphasis on numbers
There's too much on the line for numbers
There's too much emphasis on

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Numbers lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Numbers"?
"Numbers" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Numbers" song?
" The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "Numbers".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Numbers"?
"Numbers" song lyrics was modified on "29 Nov 2023".

About Numbers


Album Battle Hymns

The Suicide Machines

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 31480
Lyrics Updated at: 29 Nov 2023

Lyrics of Numbers