Politics Of Humanity Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

My blood runs cold when I think of the condition
Of human suffering and untold pain
The atrocities of war make my stomach turn
Falling tears on the earth like burning acid rain
Why has it
Been so long since anyone's noticed
It's been so long since anyone's cared
We watch and wait as the world keeps turning
Hoping our greed won't consume us all
This world today is like a closed box
For those who have nothing but war torn streets
Shine a ray of hope a light into their lives
Hid deep inside your heart may they find their relief
Why has it
Been so long since anyone's noticed
It's been so long since anyone's cared
We watch and wait as the world keeps turning
Hoping our greed won't consume us all
Hate can never cease by hate in this world
And this I know so
I'm gonna give you these words
And I hope you'll listen to me cuz
Hate never ceases by hate in this world, no!
Turn about the face and face the faces of death
In a place where men die of disease and starvation
Psycho warfare politicians tool
Won't let them pass the torch to a new generation
Why has it
Been so long since anyone's noticed
It's been so long since anyone's cared
We watch and wait as the world keeps turning
Hoping our greed won't consume us all
Been so long since anyone's noticed
It's been so long since anyone's cared
We watch and wait as the world keeps turning
Hoping our greed won't consume us all
Why has it been so long?

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Politics Of Humanity"?
"Politics Of Humanity" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Politics Of Humanity" song?
" The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "Politics Of Humanity".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Politics Of Humanity"?
"Politics Of Humanity" song lyrics was modified on "29 Nov 2023".

About Politics Of Humanity

Politics Of Humanity

Album A Match and Some Gasoline

The Suicide Machines

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 20178
Lyrics Updated at: 29 Nov 2023

Lyrics of Politics of Humanity