The Floating World Lyrics - The Suicide Machines

Oh yeah, critical mass, detonation countdown, July 16th, 1945
This is how we learned to fear the bomb and wonder how we'd all ever make it out alive
And it's a strange love to love such a strange thing, you know I can't say I feel the same
And it's irony to me that a burning sensation means a world so cold it freezes your brain
Oh, pile the skulls up, there must be a million or more
We'll pile the skulls on bones and ashes, there must be a million or more
Oh, bury the dead now, there must be a million or more
We'll bury the dead 'neath bones and ashes, there must be a million or more
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Governments may create a world of hate in which we have to live and breath every day
Fallout and radiation sickness, red pollution through the myriad waste
Building their weapons of death and mass destruction, meeting out the justice by megaton
Can we forget the Chernobyl devastation and remember the Uranium gone?
Oh, pile the skulls up, there must be a million or more
We'll pile the skulls on bones and ashes, there must be a million or more
Oh, bury the dead now, there must be a million or more
We'll bury the dead 'neath bones and ashes, there must be a million or more
One world or none, there's gotta be one world or none
There's gotta be one world or none, there's gotta be one world, one world where we can
Oh, pile the skulls up, there must be a million or more
We'll pile the skulls on bones and ashes, there must be a million or more
Oh, bury the dead now, there must be a million or more
We'll bury the dead 'neath bones and ashes, there must be a million or more

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "The Floating World"?
"The Floating World" is sung by "The Suicide Machines".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "The Floating World" song?
" The Suicide Machines" has written the lyrics for the song "The Floating World".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "The Floating World"?
"The Floating World" song lyrics was modified on "29 Nov 2023".

About The Floating World

The Floating World

Album N/A

The Suicide Machines

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 158
Lyrics Updated at: 29 Nov 2023

Lyrics of Suicide Machines - Bones to Ashes / The Floating World (Hidden track)