Legit Tattoo Gun Lyrics - The Front Bottoms

{Verse No. 1}
My head has thoughts
What a ridiculous place to start
She said, "Well, how about my chest?
Or, more specifically, my heart?"
Whenever I'm alone or feeling lonely
I pretend I can play the drums inside my head
And I am good
I love these songs, they love my songs

But I am not a dirty god
And I don't have a dirty body
And I am alone only half of the time
The other half, I am only hiding
And she was getting high
Yeah, she was smoking pot
I'm pretty sure that I am the only guy she's hooked up with tonight
But probably, oh, probably not

{Verse No. 2}
Who did I think I was?
Who did I think that I could be?
Oh, how dare me
Oh, how dare me
And there's a voice in the back of my head
In the back of my head, says, "Let 'em be
Just let them be happy."
I'm gonna go crazy


[Bridge 1]
I am the water
In the puddle in the shade of a tree
When I freeze over
You are the sun, you cannot touch me (Touch me)
And the tree feels bad
I can tell by the way that it felt
But it still won't move
So the ice won't melt
No, it still won't move
So the ice won't melt

But I am not a dirty god
I don't have a dirty body
And I am alone only half of the time
The other half, I am only hiding

[Bridge 2]
Keep my body alive
Keep my arms reaching out towards anyone


But I am not a dirty god
And I don't have a dirty body
And I am alone only half of the time
The other half, I am only hiding
And we were getting high
And I was smoking pot
I'm pretty sure I am the only guy she's hooked up with tonight
But probably, oh, probably not

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Legit Tattoo Gun"?
"Legit Tattoo Gun" is sung by "The Front Bottoms".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Legit Tattoo Gun" song?
"The Front Bottoms" has written the lyrics for the song "Legit Tattoo Gun".
ℚ.When was the song "Legit Tattoo Gun" released?
"Legit Tattoo Gun" song release on "09 September 2021".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Legit Tattoo Gun"?
"Legit Tattoo Gun" song lyrics was modified on "19 Oct 2022".

About Legit Tattoo Gun

Legit Tattoo Gun

Album The Front Bottoms

The Front Bottoms

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 501115
Release Date: 09 September 2021

Lyrics of The Front Bottoms - Legit Tattoo Gun