Anything for You Lyrics - U-Phonik

I can not see straight, deeper and deeper I go.
You got me intoxicated, infatuated.
And leave me there overdosed.
Anything for you.
I’ll choke up my voice if you want me to.
Anything for you...
Candy coated lips, I wish I could taste again
Every little stupid joke unspoken that I saved
To steal a smile from your face.
Anything for you.
So just give me what I’m dying to hear from you.
Say that you miss me.
Don’t be scare to lie just to please me.
Say that you miss me.
You know it turns me on when you’re mean to me.
Anything for you...
What if I get lost, move out of your space-time.
Slowly drift away to bounce in hyperspace.
Would it ease your mind.
Anything for you.
So just give me what I’m dying to hear from you.
Say that you miss me.
I like it when you lie just to please me.
Say that you miss me.
You know it turns me on when you’re mean to me.
Lead me through
Anything for you...

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Anything for You"?
"Anything for You" is sung by "U-Phonik".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Anything for You" song?
" U-Phonik" has written the lyrics for the song "Anything for You".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Anything for You"?
"Anything for You" song lyrics was modified on "15 May 2024".