Elephant King Lyrics - Yellow Ostrich

I am the elephant king, the one and only
I am the blood of the lamb, I am the holy
I am the teller of tales, I am a story
I am and the elephant king but I am lonely.
I am the prophet′s confession on his deathbed
I am the soil of the earth, I am the purebred
I am the listener hearing all that's unsaid
I am the magazines hiding under your bed
And you can′t take my kingdom away from me.
I am the elephant king, the one and only
I am the voice of the song, I am the lowly
I am the chosen protector of the dreary
I am the elephant king but I am lonely
So take my jewels and gems, take all that shines bright
Take all the signs of my power away from my sight
I will go to a land of constant daylight
I will talk to myself 'til I am alright
But take good care, I'll be back sooner than you think
′Cause you can′t take my kingdom away from me

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Elephant King"?
"Elephant King" is sung by "Yellow Ostrich".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Elephant King" song?
" Yellow Ostrich" has written the lyrics for the song "Elephant King".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Elephant King"?
"Elephant King" song lyrics was modified on "02 Apr 2024".