I Want Yr Love Lyrics - Yellow Ostrich

I want yr love
I don′t know if we're still friends
I don′t know if you're happy
But I will love you 'til the end
′Cause I′ll still want you badly
I want yr love
All that I take for granted
Is always right beside me
And all the things I most want
Are miles away and happy
'Cause you won′t know me if you try
'Cause I′ll make you a stranger
And that is how I'll get by
It′s my idea of danger
I want yr love
I never said this to you
When we were close together
If I could take one thing back
I would have known you sooner
I know you live so far away
But that's where all my dreams are
If I could take one thing back
I would have met you sooner
I want yr love

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "I Want Yr Love"?
"I Want Yr Love" is sung by "Yellow Ostrich".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "I Want Yr Love" song?
" Yellow Ostrich" has written the lyrics for the song "I Want Yr Love".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "I Want Yr Love"?
"I Want Yr Love" song lyrics was modified on "02 Apr 2024".

About I Want Yr Love

I Want Yr Love

Album N/A

Yellow Ostrich

Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners:
Lyrics Updated at: 02 Apr 2024