distance Lyrics - bixby

I've never been so blind, baby, girls don't cry
Tell me what I gotta do, so I can make you mine (Outside)
But baby, I know that you ain't wrong (Oh, my)
But baby, I know that
I know the distance is killing you
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it
I'm seeing visions of what we would do
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it
Save her from the light
I know you did it for love
Say that one more time
Darling, is this what you want? So, I
You're on your knees asking me for more
Oh, why?
But, I believe I was on your mind
I know the distance is killing you
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it
I'm seeing visions of what we would do
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it
Turn the lights off, don't make a sound
Tell me where you wanna take it now
The silence is too loud
But baby, I don't lie (Oh-woah)
(I know the distance is-) I know the distance is killing you
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it
I'm seeing visions of what we would do
Tell me what I gotta do
I would do it all for you, I would do it (Yeah)

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distance lyrics !!!

FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "distance"?
"distance" is sung by "bixby".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "distance" song?
" bixby" has written the lyrics for the song "distance".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "distance"?
"distance" song lyrics was modified on "09 Jun 2024".

About distance


Album distance [Explicit]


Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 520609
Lyrics Updated at: 09 Jun 2024

Lyrics of bixby - distance [dir. kahre]