Rush Lyrics - DAMON

Gotta look in your eyes
tracking who's there at nigh
hoping just for your greatest peace of mind
May you tell me the truth
Sick for ring of the lies
party night is all down for daylight call
Gotta look in your eyes
tracking who's there at nigh
hoping just for your greatest peace of mind
May you tell me the truth
Sick for ring of the lies
party night is all down for daylight call
Last night we've been having
whole new mean of paradise
was so beautiful
was so beautiful
Sun is up and it is another day cycling
Time for moving on
Time for moving on
Gotta look in your eyes
tracking who's there at nigh
hoping just for your greatest peace of mind
May you tell me the truth
Sick for ring of the lies
party night is all down for daylight call
Last night we've been having
whole new mean of paradise
was so beautiful
was so beautiful
Sun is up and it is another day cycling
Time for moving on
Time for moving on
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Forget move on just keep walking
Don't turn the back to your vida
Before it drains your shit out
Things will get too late by then
Last night we've been having
whole new mean of paradise
was so beautiful
was so beautiful
Sun is up and it is another day cycling
was so beautiful
Yeah so beautiful

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Rush"?
"Rush" is sung by "DAMON".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Rush" song?
" DAMON" has written the lyrics for the song "Rush".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Rush"?
"Rush" song lyrics was modified on "09 Jun 2024".