The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em Lyrics - Greg Kihn Band

[Verse 1]
We had broken up for good just an hour before
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
And now I'm staring at the bodies as they're dancing 'cross the floor
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
And then the band slowed the tempo and the music took me down
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
It was the same old song, with a melancholy sound
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah

They don't write 'em like that anymore
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

[Verse 2]
We'd been living together for a million years
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
But now it feels so strange out in the atmospheres
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
And then the jukebox plays a song I used to know
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
And now I'm staring at the bodies as they're dancing so slow
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah

They don't write 'em like that anymore
They don't write 'em like that anymore
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{Verse No. 3}
Now I wind up staring at an empty glass
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
'Cause it's so easy to say that you'll forget your past
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah

They don't write 'em like that anymore, no
They just don't write 'em like that anymore
They don't write 'em like that anymore
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

They just don't, no, they don't
No, no, uh-uh

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em"?
"The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em" is sung by "Greg Kihn Band".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em" song?
"Steve Wright (Greg Kihn Band)" has written the lyrics for the song "The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em"?
"The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em" song lyrics was modified on "19 Aug 2024".

About The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em

The Breakup Song They Dont Write Em

Album Rockihnroll (1981)

Greg Kihn Band

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners: 10
Lyrics Updated at: 19 Aug 2024

Lyrics of The Breakup Song