Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics Lyrics - John Rich

[Verse 1: John Rich]
Dancing in the flames
The people cursed his name
Bowed at the altar of the Father of Lies
But there's a number to their days
And all their evil ways
The Lord's gonna turn away from all their cries

[Chorus: John Rich, John Rich & Sonya Isaacs]
Oh, revelation
I can feel it coming like a dark train running
Oh, get ready
'Cause the King is coming
The King is coming back again

[Verse 2: John Rich]
Brimstone upon their heads
Millstones around their necks
They'll feel the shaking when the trumpet sounds
And no matter wherе they hide
Therе'll be nowhere to run
When Jesus puts His mighty foot on the ground

[Chorus: John Rich, John Rich & Sonya Isaacs]
Oh, revelation
I can feel it coming like a dark train running
Oh, get ready
'Cause the King is coming
The King is coming back again

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 3: John Rich]
When judgement comes like a lightning flash
Their voice will wail and their teeth will gnash
He'll set fire to their evil wants
And all the wickedness they've done
They'll be no time to turn around
As the stars begin to hit the ground
And the mountains fall and the veil is torn
With the sounding of that seventh horn

[Chorus: John Rich, John Rich & Sonya Isaacs]
Oh, revelation
I can feel it coming like a dark train running
Oh, get ready
'Cause the King is coming
The King is coming
Oh, revelation
I can feel it coming
Like a dark train running
Oh, get ready
'Cause the King is coming
The King is coming back again
The King is coming back again

[Outro: John Rich]
So wrote the prophet John
Before his days were done
The King is coming
And it won't be long

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics"?
"Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics" is sung by "John Rich".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics" song?
"John Rich" has written the lyrics for the song "Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics"?
"Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics" song lyrics was modified on "20 Jul 2024".

About Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics

Revelation Feat Sonya Isaacs Lyrics

Album N/A

John Rich

Live Listeners: 0
Total Listeners:
Lyrics Updated at: 20 Jul 2024

Lyrics of "Revelation" by John Rich featuring Sonya Isaacs