Not Strong Enough Lyrics - ​boygenius

Verse 1 Phoebe Bridgers

Black hole opened in the kitchen
Every clock's a different time
It would only take the energy to fix it
I don't know why I am

Chorus Bridgers, Bridgers & Baker

The way

Stop staring at the ceiling fan and
Spinning out about things that haven't happened
Breathing in and out

Verse 2 Baker

Drag racing through the canyon
Singing "Boys Don't Cry"
Do you see us getting scraped up off the pavement?
I don't know why I am

Chorus Baker, Baker & Bridgers

The way I am

I lied, I am
Just lowering your expectations
Half a mind that keeps the other second guessing
Close my eyеs and count

Bridge Dacus, Dacus & Bridgers, All

Always an angel, never a god
Always an angеl, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel, never a god

Chorus Dacus

I don't know why I am the way I am
There's something in the static
I think I've been having revelations
Coming to in the front seat, nearly empty
Skip the exit to our old street and go home
Go home alone

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Not Strong Enough"?
"Not Strong Enough" is sung by "​boygenius".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Not Strong Enough" song?
" ​boygenius" has written the lyrics for the song "Not Strong Enough".
ℚ.When was the song "Not Strong Enough" released?
"Not Strong Enough" song release on "01 March 2023".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Not Strong Enough"?
"Not Strong Enough" song lyrics was modified on "03 Mar 2023".

About Not Strong Enough

Not Strong Enough

Album N/A


Live Listeners: 120
Total Listeners: 49
Release Date: 01 March 2023

Lyrics of boygenius – Not Strong Enough (official music video)