Patient With Me* Lyrics - Drake

Lyrics From Snippet


I need someone to be patient with me
Someone to get money, would not take it from me
They don't even need to be as famous as me
I don't think I meet 'em at the places I be [I-I-I
But deep down I think about you all day, mami
I know I'm a pit bull, but, mami
I just wanna take you on a holiday, mami
Say what's on your mind, I'm a call away, mami
Come and rescue me [Brr
Take me out the club, take me out the trap [I-I-I
Take me out the market, take me out map
I'm tryna hit the group chat and tell 'em...

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Patient With Me*"?
"Patient With Me*" is sung by "Drake".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Patient With Me*" song?
" Drake" has written the lyrics for the song "Patient With Me*".
ℚ.When was the song "Patient With Me*" released?
"Patient With Me*" song release on "26 March 2023".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Patient With Me*"?
"Patient With Me*" song lyrics was modified on "26 Mar 2023".