Sweet Dreams Lyrics - Left Boy/Ferdinand

Hanging from the chandelier, what you looking for is here, uh
I'll kiss you like I mean it, she says, "You must be dreamin'"
Maybe this is a curse, all these girls are in my face, I
R-R-R-Recognize this place because I run this
Jesus, don't get between us, we're all just having fun
This girl is looking at me like I'm the only one
I got that paper, baby, that gets you what you want
I'm thinking later, maybe, we'll get it going on
Sweet dreams are made of these
Sweet dreams are made of these
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Guns, bitches, weed, money, YSL, gold chain
Maserati, penthouse, helicopter, fame
Guns, bitches, weed, money, YSL, gold chain
Maserati, penthouse, helicopter, fame
What you're lookin' at, baby
Is a motherfuckin' legend in the making
For the rest of your life, I'll be there
I'll be stuck in your head
Like the roots of your hair, I'm the
You tell me, 'cause I know that you've heard
That L-E-F-T's that one MC that spit's fucking superb
I'm killing them with this, I'm killing them with that
I make it disappear and then I bring it back
It's like I'm in the black but I'm white so I better say
I'm in a blush for you, it takes two
And it shouldn't take you as long as it does to pursue
So brand new, as soon as you ran through
I knew what I had to do, it takes two
And it shouldn't take you as long as it does to pursue
So brand new, as soon as you ran through
I knew what I had to do
It takes two or maybe only one
Oh my god, what the fuck is going on?
She asked me, "What have I become?"
And I'm looking at her like I know this one
I'm faded, daddy, I think I made it
Fuck being underrated
I wanna have everything they did
Guns, bitches, weed, money, YSL, gold chain
Maserati, penthouse, helicopter, fame
Guns, bitches, weed, money, YSL, gold chain
Maserati, penthouse, helicopter, fame
What you're lookin' at, baby
Is a motherfuckin' legend in the making
For the rest of your life, I'll be there
I'll be stuck in your head
Like the roots of your hair

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FAQ & Knowledge

ℚ. Who sang the song "Sweet Dreams"?
"Sweet Dreams" is sung by "Left Boy/Ferdinand".
ℚ. Who wrote the lyrics of "Sweet Dreams" song?
" Left Boy/Ferdinand" has written the lyrics for the song "Sweet Dreams".
ℚ.When was the last time lyrics modified for song "Sweet Dreams"?
"Sweet Dreams" song lyrics was modified on "17 Nov 2023".